So why a podcast about fatherhood?

Because dads are underserved in our market. Everything is geared towards moms because they are the primary purchasers in the household, research parenting habitually, and share across their network of moms. I wanted a space to be real, vent, drink a beer, and learn about how other dads are being superheroes.

The only thing I ever wanted to be was a father. Well that, and a Disney animator but that’s a whole different story. I find my therapy in discussing my personal hurdles with my friends. And spoiler alert, fatherhood is hard. THAT IS WHAT MAKES IT SO GREAT! It’s helpful to know that you aren’t the only dad in the history of dads to go through this.

How did Pops Pint start?

Multiple reasons added up to Pops Pint.

  1. I work in technology and I wanted to learn everything and anything about the voice space. The best way I learn is by "doing".

  2. The need for a new creative exercise.

  3. My wife and I settled into a groove with parenting two beautiful girls in early 2019 and I wanted to make more of an effort with talking to friends and family.

  4. The challenge of learning new tools for audio production on a zero budget.

  5. An excuse to drink and buy new craft beers.

  6. Subject matter that was easy for me and my buddies to talk about.

Who the heck are you?

A big Ukrainian in his late 30’s who has two beautiful daughters under 3 and has been happily married for the last four years. Philly born and raised so you may hear some smack talk over north east rivals. My life has been shaped by sports so it's always a topic of conversation.

What gives you the right to give fatherly advice?

Zilch, Zero, Nothing. I have no background in family counseling, medical, or sociology. Pops Pint is about two guys sharing war stories of fatherhood over a beer. Take it and leave it however you want. It’s a fun exercise for me to connect with friends and hopefully shed some light for soon to be fathers who are interested in a guy’s take.